Arts Awards Courses

Arts award is an arts qualification available with all of our courses here at the Academy. The Arts Award comes in 5 different levels: Discover, Explore, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each course is a separate qualification that ends with the Gold being the equivalent to an A Level.

This is an optional qualification that students can sign up to at any time. There will be an Arts Award intervention with our qualified Arts Award Co-ordinator to go over what has already been completed and where to go next in terms of assigned tasks.

What is an Arts Award?
An Arts Award is a range of unique qualifications that supports anyone aged up to 25 to grow as artists and arts leaders, inspiring them to connect with and take part in the wider arts world through taking challenges in an art form.
Through progressing through the five levels, young people get to:
• discover the enjoyment of creating and participating in arts activities
• experience arts events
• develop creative and communication skills that are essential for success in 21st
century life
• explore the work of artists and craftspeople and gain insights into the professional
arts world
• gain experience and knowledge to help progress into further education and

There are no entry requirements, no time limit for completing the award, and no set rules
on how to present final work.

How does it work?
Arts Award’s flexible framework means it can fit around a wide range of arts, cultural and heritage activities and projects, including creative and technical roles. It can be delivered in many ways and in a wide range of settings. You can map it to your existing activity or use it to kick-start something new. Arts Award delivery happens in curriculum or extracurricular programmes and enrichment options, museum or heritage projects, weekly clubs or groups, and partnership projects.
